1. What is phpinfo.php?

The phpinfo.php file is a simple PHP script that calls the phpinfo() function, which displays detailed information about the current state of PHP on the server. This information includes PHP configuration settings, server environment variables, loaded modules, and more. The file is typically used for debugging or checking the server configuration by developers.

2. Why Hackers Target phpinfo.php

Hackers are keen to exploit phpinfo.php because it provides comprehensive insights into the server environment. By accessing this file, they can gather vital information that helps them craft targeted attacks, including information about the PHP version, server software, installed modules, and more.

3. Exposure of PHP Version

One of the main reasons hackers seek out phpinfo.php is that it reveals the PHP version running on the server. If the version is outdated or has known vulnerabilities, hackers can exploit those weaknesses to gain unauthorized access or execute malicious code.

4. Identifying Server Software

The phpinfo.php file also exposes details about the web server software (such as Apache, Nginx, or IIS), including the version number. If the server is running unpatched or outdated software, hackers can use known vulnerabilities in that version to exploit the server.

5. Disclosure of Installed PHP Extensions

The phpinfo() function reveals all installed PHP extensions and modules, such as openssl, mbstring, and gd. Hackers can use this information to find vulnerabilities in specific extensions that are either outdated or improperly configured, providing potential attack vectors.

6. Exposing Directory Paths

The phpinfo.php file reveals various directory paths on the server, such as the document root, upload directories, and temporary file locations. Hackers can use this information for directory traversal attacks, allowing them to access restricted directories or files that should not be publicly available.

7. Accessing Environment Variables

The phpinfo.php output includes server environment variables, which may contain sensitive information such as API keys, database credentials, or other secrets. Hackers can use this information to gain access to the database or other backend services.

8. Session Hijacking Risks

Session-related settings are also revealed by phpinfo.php. If hackers can access session handling information, they may attempt session hijacking, where they take control of a user’s session and impersonate them, potentially gaining administrative access.

9. Facilitating SQL Injection Attacks

The phpinfo() function provides details about the server’s database connection settings, such as the database type and connection methods. Hackers can use this information to refine their SQL injection attacks, making it easier to manipulate the database and extract sensitive data.

10. Remote File Inclusion (RFI) Vulnerabilities

If the phpinfo.php file reveals that certain PHP configuration settings like allow_url_include are enabled, hackers can use this information to perform Remote File Inclusion (RFI) attacks. RFI allows them to include and execute malicious files from a remote server.

11. Local File Inclusion (LFI) Attacks

Hackers can also exploit information from phpinfo.php to perform Local File Inclusion (LFI) attacks. LFI allows them to include and execute files already present on the server, potentially leading to unauthorized access or data theft.

12. Disabling Security Modules

The phpinfo.php file may reveal which security modules are enabled or disabled, such as mod_security or Suhosin. If critical security modules are disabled, hackers can exploit this weakness to bypass security measures and gain access to sensitive areas of the site.

13. Discovering PHP Configuration Weaknesses

Many settings related to security and performance are displayed in phpinfo.php, such as file upload limits, memory limits, and error reporting. Hackers can use this information to craft specific attacks that exploit these configuration weaknesses, such as uploading large files to exhaust server resources.

14. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities

Hackers may try to exploit XSS vulnerabilities in conjunction with phpinfo.php. If the server is misconfigured, hackers can inject malicious scripts into the phpinfo() output, which could steal session cookies or redirect users to malicious websites.

15. Identifying Outdated Software

By accessing phpinfo.php, hackers can quickly identify whether the server is running outdated software components, such as PHP extensions, database drivers, or server software. This allows them to exploit known vulnerabilities in those outdated components.

16. Targeting File Permissions

The phpinfo.php file may reveal details about the server’s file permissions and access control mechanisms. Hackers can use this information to exploit weak file permissions, allowing them to read or modify files that should otherwise be protected.

17. Conducting Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

Information gathered from phpinfo.php, such as memory limits and execution times, can help hackers craft Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. They can send requests designed to consume excessive server resources, causing slowdowns or crashes.

18. Server Misconfigurations

The phpinfo.php file can also expose server misconfigurations, such as improper handling of file uploads or execution limits. Hackers can exploit these misconfigurations to gain unauthorized access, upload malicious files, or execute arbitrary code.

19. Gaining Root Access

In some cases, if phpinfo.php reveals that critical security features are disabled or misconfigured, hackers may use this information to attempt privilege escalation attacks, where they gain root access to the server, allowing complete control.

20. Directory Traversal Attacks

If directory paths or file system details are revealed, hackers can launch directory traversal attacks. These attacks involve navigating outside the web root to access sensitive files, such as configuration files containing database credentials.

21. Manipulating Logs

The phpinfo() output may reveal log file locations or configurations, which hackers can use to manipulate server logs. This can make it harder for administrators to track or detect suspicious activity, allowing hackers to cover their tracks.

22. Adjusting File Upload Limits

The phpinfo.php file can reveal file upload settings, such as upload_max_filesize and post_max_size. Hackers can use this information to craft attacks that involve uploading oversized files or malicious scripts to the server.

23. Session Fixation Attacks

Hackers may use session-related information revealed by phpinfo.php to carry out session fixation attacks. By forcing a specific session ID onto a user, they can later hijack the session and gain access to the user’s data or privileges.

24. How to Protect the phpinfo.php File

The best way to protect the phpinfo.php file is to remove it entirely from the server once it is no longer needed. If you must keep it for development purposes, ensure it is not accessible to the public by restricting access through .htaccess or server configuration files.

25. Disable phpinfo() in Production

You should disable the phpinfo() function entirely in production environments. This prevents unauthorized users from viewing sensitive server information. You can disable it in the php.ini file by adding the following line:

disable_functions = phpinfo

26. Restrict Access to Development Tools

If you must use phpinfo.php for development purposes, ensure that access to it is restricted to authorized users only. You can do this by implementing IP whitelisting, which only allows access to specific IP addresses, or by password-protecting the directory where the file is located.

27. Secure Error Reporting

Ensure that error reporting is disabled in production environments to prevent sensitive information from being displayed publicly. In your php.ini file, set display_errors to Off and log errors instead:

display_errors = Off
log_errors = On
error_log = /path/to/error.log

28. Use Security Plugins

If you are using a platform like WordPress, you can use security plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security to block access to files like phpinfo.php. These plugins can scan your site for vulnerabilities, block suspicious traffic, and protect sensitive files.

29. Keep Software Updated

Ensure that your PHP version, server software, and installed extensions are regularly updated. Keeping your software up to date helps protect against known vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit through files like phpinfo.php.

Example of a phpinfo.php File:

// Show all PHP configuration details

This simple script displays detailed information about the PHP environment when accessed. For security purposes, it should be removed or restricted once development is complete.